Bicycle Accidents

As with motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents are on the rise. With people living more active and healthier lives, bicyclists are now commonplace on virtually every California roadway. Unfortunately, bicycle accidents regularly occur because automobile drivers are not vigilant in maintaining a lookout for cyclists. This is despite the many safety precautions taken by cyclists when riding. There is also inherent conflict and bias when a bicycle accident occurs, as the investigative agency presumes the cyclist was at fault or did not take proper care.

Severe and traumatic injuries often arise after bicycle accidents with automobiles and trucks and frequently result in significant financial losses to the individuals involved and their families. However, the law provides an injured person with the right to recover his or her damages from the responsible party. Such damages include, but may not be limited to, medical expenses, lost wages, funeral expenses and other economic losses. Individuals are also entitled to recover for the pain and suffering caused by their injuries and treatment.

As with any accident involving a car or truck, the insurance company will commence an investigation of the bicycle accident immediately. The insurance company will try to limit the recovery of the injured bicycle rider to the lowest possible amount. Accordingly, these companies have established very specific and elaborate procedures on handling bicycle accident claims, especially in the early stages of the claim.

Some of the steps these insurance company take in their investigation include: statements from the persons involved in the bicycle accident; examining both the bicycle and automobile taking photographs taken; determining the injuries involved and obtaining a police report.

In an effort to avoid maximum liability, insurance company often offer quick settlements to cyclists that don’t reflect the nature of the injuries or the pain and suffering involved. Therefore, the true value of a claim from a bicycle accident can only be determined after the inured is examined and treated by a physician and other medical providers. There is no need to rush and you may likely regret the settlement later when your injuries have become worse.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, call the Law Office of Diana B. Berlin today. Our Law Firm always offers a free initial consultation on all cases and we are only paid if we win, which means that there is never a fee unless we successfully resolve your case.

If you need our help and immediate assistance, call us now (818) 757-7292 or contact us online today!